Tuhfatul Atfaal [2]

As-salaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakatuh,

In the name of Allaah:


تحفة الأطفال

[A gift for the children]



أحكام النون الساكنة والتنوين

The rules of Noon Saakinah and Tanween


للنـونِ إنْ تسكـن و للتنوين **  أربعُ أحكامٍ فخذ تبـيني

And the (letter) noon in its unvowelled state and the tanween (are governed) by four rules. So take from my clarification:

فالأول الإظهار قبل أحرف  **  للحلق ست رتبت فلتعـرف

The first (rule) is Idh-haar (Meaning to make something clear), before the letters of the throat which are 6, arranged in order. So  know them.

همز فهاء ثـم عـيـن حـاء ** مهملـتـان ثــم غـيـن خـاء

(And the 6 letters are) hamza, haa, then ayn, 7aa, the two lacking in diacritical markings (meaning the ayn and 7aa), then ghayn, kha.

والثانـى إدغام بستَّـة أَتَـت ** فى يرملون عندهم قد ثبتت

And the second (rule) is Idghaam (to merge one thing to another), by the collection of 6 (letters) which occur in yarmaloona (ya-raa-meem-laam-waaw-noon). It is firm and well established (the experts in this field).

لكنها قسمان قسم يدغمَا ** فـيـه بـغـنـة بـيـنـمــو علـمـا

However, (Idghaam) is of two types: one type is with the occurance of ghunnah and it is known by the letters yanmuw (ya-noon-meem-waaw).

إلا إذا كـانـا بكلمـةٍ فـلا **  تدغم كدنيا ثم صنـوانٍ تـلا

Except when  the two (mudgham [1]and mudgham fih [2]) occurs in one word, then do not make idhgaam like (in words) دنيا and صنـوانٍ (and examples that) follow suit.

و الثانـى إدغـام بغير غـنـةٍ ** فى اللام والـرا ثـم كـررنـه

And the second type is idghaam without ghunnah in the (letters) laam and raa, then observe takreer of the latter (meaning the raa).

والثالث الإقلاب عند الباء ** ميماً بغنة مع الإخفاء

And the third (rule) is Iqlaab (meaning to change something), in the case of (the letter) ba (and turning it into) meem with ghunnah whilst applying Ikhfaa.

و الرابـع الإخـفاء عند الـفاضل ** مـن الحروف واجب للفاضل

And the fourth (rule) is Ikhfaa (to hide/conceal), with it being the remaining letters, which is obligatory on the distinguished (those who have studied the science).

فى خمسةٍ من بعـد عَشرٍ رَمْـزُهَـا ** فِى كِلْمِ هذا البيتِ قد ضمنتُها

In five, after ten (15 letters), its combination in the (initial letters of) the words of this line I have gathered them:

صف ذا ثنا كم جاد شخص قد سما ** دم طيّـباً زد فى تقًى ضع ظالما

Describe the possessor of praise. How generous is a person whom has attainted such status? Always be good. Increase in piety. Leave an oppressor. [3]


[1] The letter with which idghaam is being made

[2] The letter into which idghaam is being made

[3] Although the line gives advice to the reader. Its initial purpose is to highlight the letters of Ikhfaa which are shown at the beginning of every word in the verse.

Comments on: "Tuhfatul Atfaal [2]" (8)

  1. Jazakallah khair 4 posting it so soon! can u please give me examples of places in quran where the rules r shown please please.

  2. buthaynah said:

    Maasha’Alla! please give examples for the rules, may Allah reward u, Ameen.

  3. Wa iyyaki

    Aameen to the ad’iya. As for examples, I wouldn’t be able to do justice but there are excellent websites online which goes through them well.

  4. Jazakallah khairan, i ave found a good website with lots of examples, thank you.

  5. machallah, this is good translation and me am so happy to have found it. thanck u.

  6. machallah this is excellent!

  7. Noorul Eemaan said:

    Salam, when are u going to update? I can not wait for the next part 😀

    Noorul Eemaan

  8. Umm Tayyib said:

    Jazak Allahu Khayrun. This is so helpful alhamdulillah.

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