Most noble

As-salaamu ‘alaykum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh




Ibn Haajar Asqalaani (rahimahullaah) said in Fathul Baari:  We say, the Qur’aan is the most noble of all types of knowledge. So the one who learns it and teaches others; becomes the most noble than the one who teaches other than it [Qur’aan], even though he might teach something which becomes well established for his student.


And there is no doubt that learning the Qur’aan and teaching it, is more complete for a persons’ soul and to others


Comments on: "Most noble" (4)

  1. the qur’an is so important, jazakallah khayr for sharing! you have an excellent site mashallah!

  2. Wa alaykumus salaam W.W.

    Jazakallah Kayr, I am tring to figure out what the end of the statement means:
    “even though he might teach something which becomes well established for his student”
    I want to know what the part “well established for his student” means. Any ideas or further quotes from the original text would be great as I can not understand the arabic myself.

  3. mia- wa iyyak (i) wa barakallaahu feek (i)

    Sadiq-Wa ‘alaykum salaam warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuh,

    Here it refers to anything other than the field of the Qur’aan which can benefit and aid the student. For example in our times you will see people learning Usool Al-Fiqh, Hadeeth and the likes. So although Fiqh, Hadeeth and the other types of knowledge benefits, the Qur’aan is the most noble and should be started with that. Does that clarify your question?

    Wa iyyak

  4. Jazakallah Kayr,

    I got that.

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